Unnecessary Celebration in the Endzone

There's confidence....and then there's this guy. (sigh) The
one who thinks he deserves a cheering section after a late night "performance".
In the NFL, this penalty targets players
who act in a manner that is unsportsmanlike.

In dating, the Red Zone is the moment at the end of the date
when a woman decides how the night will end. Will she bring her date upstairs and give him the chance to score? Or does he
get sent home to rethink his game?
According to the NFL, the Red Zone is the area between the 20-yard line and the goal line, where the team has an opportunity
to score a touchdown.

Sure, buddy, she's cute, but COME ON! She's obviously an Ineligible Receiver for whatever cheezy pick up lines you're throwing
at her. Give it up. She ain't goin' home with you!
In professional football, an Ineligible Receiver is an offensive player who may not legally catch a forward pass.

What is the old saying? Beer before liquor - never sicker? A Rookie in the bar is someone who is new to the concept of
drinking, while a Rookie in professional football is a player who is in his first season.

There's always that one guy in every bar who decides that he'll have a better chance of attracting a woman by practicing
Illegal Use of the Hands.
In professional football, Illegal Use of Hands is when a player uses his hands in unnecessary ways, such as holding onto
another player's jersey and/or body.